Here is a past email newsletter from 3/29/2018, "Are You Being Revenue Relevant?"


Success is no accident.  It is the result of action.
Are You Being Revenue Relevant? 1
Are You Being Revenue Relevant? 2
"Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen." Wayne Huizenga
There are 28 million small businesses in the US of which 22.5 million are run by solo entrepreneurs. More than half of those are home-based businesses.  Approximately 543,000 people start a new business each month but tragically more than that close up shop every month as well.  This statistic does not really disclose much good news: On the one hand, there is always going to be that new kid on the block giving us some fierce competition (and they are all hungry) and on the other we can feel very confronted by risks we face.But…. there are lots of businesses thriving.  How will you make sure you are one of them? By making it  happen. To have a business you love, create a structure that helps you GET THINGS DONE and DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY that is REVENUE RELEVANT.Whether it is marketing, selling product or providing services, working on your business, improving your skills or managing your money. These all add to health of your business. Action is revenue relevant!Conventional wisdom teaches that business have 3 primary moving parts: Marketing, operations and financials.  I believe there is a 4th: Customer care.  The importance of our customers cannot be stressed enough. As each of these areas need our continued attention in order to create a viable business, is there something you been meaning to do but have not done yet? Getting that new marketing in place, getting your books up to date, making a follow up phone call to that prospective customer you recently met or hiring some help? Maybe you need to do a financial analysis (I can help!) to see where you are and plot a plan to get you where you want to be.  Maybe you need to do some networking that you have been too stretched  for time to do. Maybe your operations need to be streamlined.

Whatever it is, one of the most underrated and effective tools available to you is virtually free.  Your calendar. 

So try this: Look at your calendar and then carve out some TIME every day to work on something revenue relevant for your business. A half hour will do.  However,  if it is a big job, set a regular day and time and PUT IT ON YOUR CALENDAR. If it is just a quick training you need, call today and get an appointment, and PUT IT ON YOUR CALENDAR. Set up a time when you will work on customer care.  And by all means do not overlook regular time to do the revenue work for which you get paid.  Working in your business is what puts the bread and butter on your table.

If you think this is a no brainer, you may be surprised to learn that not every entrepreneur knows how effective this one little strategy is. And lastly, if you are really struggling to get a particular task done, DO IT FIRST. 

Create an action plan to make it happen!

If you need training - call me!  If you want to do a financial review and revenue strategy - call me!  Bottom line, to have a business and life you love:  MAKE IT HAPPEN!

I am always looking for new clients because I teach my clients to fly solo.  If you want to learn how to have a business and a life you love - Call me at 805 901-3375

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